Ljubljana Multimedia and Graphic Technology Secondary School is the only school in Slovenia that provides a holistic education for vocations in Media and Graphic Technology. Its beginnings go back as far as 1924, when the graphics technologies organization prepared a programme for a vocational school. In 1962, paper technologies and the School Centre for Printing and Paper merged on the very location our school is situated today. With the advent of oriented education after 1980, the school matured into a four-year technical school and took the name of Secondary School for Printing and Paper. That was not the only thing that changed, however – females started enrolling in larger numbers.
At the end of the previous millennium, our school stood on a precipice yet again: paper technologies were in decline and new ways had to be taken. The development of printed and electronic media technologies, their intertwining and complementarity demanded a completely new educational programme.
In 2000/01 our school started its Media designer programme – the first in the country. Five years later, we were once again renamed, this time to Ljubljana Multimedia and Graphic Technology Secondary School.
Today, the school houses about 650 students, with classes taking place in cutting-edge classroom equipment equipped classrooms, a film and animation studio as well as printing and finishing workshops.
As an educational institution, we strive to offer our students something more than the base curriculum. To that end, the students, juniors and seniors especially, enrol in film and photography workshops, which are are promoted/shown/integrated in a part of our web TV programme and school events, etc. They are also very active and successful in various competitions. Cooperation with partner schools abroad has by now become a tradition and a fair few of our students finish their work practice in Sweden, Finland, Malta, Poland or Germany.
Our school is proud of its qualities of professionalism, pedagogical optimism, modern great work environment, youthful creativity, variety/ wide range of choices colourfulness and a positive atmosphere. Each individual is an important part of the puzzle, but only together do we form the image of Ljubljana Multimedia and Graphic Technology Secondary School as we truly want it to be.
We are the only school in the country offering holistic education for vocations in Graphic technology, and as such, along with help from the industry itself, we are responsible for the content of the programmes and the vocational competence of future graphics technicians. At the same time, we are the pioneers in educating adults for other media-related professions.
We create great graphic operators, printing technicians and media designers through high-quality lessons built on problem-solving and developing creativity – individuals, who will have the option of opening businesses or continuing their studies. Our successful work is due to the productive atmosphere in the teacher’s common room as well as the classrooms, so we always look for ways to connect student and teacher, and assign goals leading to cooperation between the two.
Leading by example is also one of our principles – we encourage a healthy lifestyle, respect differences and teach tolerance. Our goal is to get our students accustomed to the idea that they are responsible for their own success and decisions.
Our students can bring their interests to life in sports clubs and various extra-curricular activities, while the more talented among them the students have the option of taking up research with the help of mentors. This helps them to develop a positive self-image. We are always in touch with new developments in media technologies and update our workshops and special classrooms accordingly.
Great care is also taken in providing possibilities for professional growth and development of teachers. Such a teacher is much more likely to use new teaching methods and gadgets as well as take into account a student’s abilities and needs. Every student’s success brings joy to us and rewards for them.

Ana Šterbenc
Parents are invited for meetings in groups, individually or just as get-togethers. We connect with the industry and similar schools, both domestically and abroad, through the exchange of knowledge and experience. Moreover, protecting our environment is also one of our long-term strategies/aims.
Any well-meaning propositions initiated made by students, parents, the industry or environment will be met with enthusiasm. We develop an affiliation with the school both in our students and teachers.
Srednja medijska in grafična šola Ljubljana
The Secondary School of Multimedia and Graphic Technology Ljubljana
Ana Šterbenc [email protected]
Pokopališka 33
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
01 620 94 00 (secretariat)
01 620 94 10 (staff room)
01 620 94 01 (fax)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tax ID: SI77459849
Registration number: 5086671000
TRR: UJP:01100-6030700717
SMGS Branding system manual
downloadLogo – web use
downloadSMGS logo – Facebook profile picture
downloadSMGS logo – end credits for videos
1080 px × 1920 px (Full HD), RGB
The file is set up as a form, adjust the date and save a .jpg
SMGS logo – end credits for videos
720 px × 1280 px (HD), RGB
The file is set up as a form, adjust the date and save a .jpg
EDUROAM wireless education network
Ljubljana Multimedia and Graphic Technology Secondary School offers staff and students free access to the eduroam wireless computer network. Such access is not meant for commercial use. Eduroam is part of the school network, which is connected to the Arnes network and the European system, and is therefore subject to the same rules as the Arnes network (http://www.arnes.si/pomoc-uporabnikom/pravila-uporabe-omrezja-arnes).
- What is eduroam?
The eduroam service allows learners and staff to securely and easily access a secured wireless (WLAN) network at our organisation and roam on the networks of other institutions included in the eduroam system.
The eduroam network includes educational and research institutions (faculties, institutes, secondary schools, primary schools, etc.) in Slovenia (http://www.eduroam.si) and abroad (http://www.eduroam.org).
The network is designed in such a way that students or employees can access the network in any of the above institutions (at home and abroad) transparently and free of charge, using the same username and password as in the “home” eduroam network (e.g. a lecturer can access the protected network eduroam in Krško or Maribor as well as any eduroam network abroad). This ensures maximum security for both the institution and the guest user by preventing eavesdropping and phishing. - Technical requirements for access
The wireless network named (SSID) eduroam can be connected to a laptop, PDA, phone; or any device whose operating system and wireless interface support the 802.11a/g standard and WPA1/2-Enterprise security protocol and the 802.1x login standar with EAP-TTLS + PAP (AES data encryption). - Connection instructions
Detailed installation instructions can be found at http://www.arnes.si/pomoc-uporabnikom/eduroam/navodila-za-povezavo/.
You can also use the pre-configured programs to install the wireless network on your device – eduroamCAT (supports most devices) or geteduroam (mobile devices).
In addition, a valid username and password at your home institution is required for wireless access. Students can obtain a username and password on request at the time of enrolment or at the beginning of the school year from their class teacher or in the student administrative office.
This access is valid for the duration of their education at the school and also allows learners to access other Arnes services, if offered by the school. User data, password change and identity checkout can be done on the SIO-MDM website. - Help and contact
If you have any problems connecting to the eduroam network, please contact your organisation’s IT department.
The contact person is Ivan Vukmanov, [email protected].
Students in the 2nd and 3rd years of secondary vocational education in Printing Technology (GT) and Multimedia Design (MT) undertake a two-week work-based training with an employer. Students are recommended to find their own employer for the practical training, in the professional field they are most interested in.